
SetinthestarklandscapeofcoastalMaine,Christina'sWorlddepictsayoungwomanseenfrombehind,wearingapinkdressandlyinginagrassyfield.,Christina'sWorldisa1948paintingbyAmericanpainterAndrewWyethandoneofthebest-knownAmericanpaintingsofthemid-20thcentury.,“Christina'sWorld”isaniconicartworkbyartistAndrewWyeth,createdin1948.Thispieceisremarkableforitsuseoftemperaonpanelandstandsoutas ...,特色·單件,尺寸:3...

Andrew Wyeth. Christina's World. 1948

Set in the stark landscape of coastal Maine, Christina's World depicts a young woman seen from behind, wearing a pink dress and lying in a grassy field.

Christina's World

Christina's World is a 1948 painting by American painter Andrew Wyeth and one of the best-known American paintings of the mid-20th century.

Christina's World (1948) by Andrew Wyeth

“Christina's World” is an iconic artwork by artist Andrew Wyeth, created in 1948. This piece is remarkable for its use of tempera on panel and stands out as ...

Niwo ART

特色 · 單件,尺寸:36 x 24 英吋,深度: 1.5 英吋。 掛鉤安裝,可懸掛。 · 世界最著名的繪畫系列- Christina's World,Andrew Wyeth。 · 美國製造。 · 最先進的微噴印刷技術 ...

One on One: Andrew Wyeth's Christina's World

Christina's World is the second of four tempera paintings of Christina that Wyeth completed from the time he met the Olsons until the siblings' deaths. He also ...


書名:Wyeth: Christina's World,語言:英文,ISBN:9780870708312,頁數:48,作者:Hoptman, Laura,出版日期:2012/07/31,類別:藝術設計.

克莉絲蒂的世界Christina's World

克莉絲蒂的世界Christina's World · 編號 Wyeth001 · 作者 安德魯.魏斯Andrew Wyeth · 年份 1948 · 原作尺寸 81.9 x 121.3 · 原作材質 油彩.畫布Oil on Canvas · 瀏覽 ...


《克里斯蒂娜的世界》(Christina's World)是1948年美國畫家安德魯·魏斯繪製的一幅現實主義蛋彩畫,描繪一位側身臥在褐色荒原上、望向背景裡灰房子的年輕女子。

美國MoMA 黃銅徽章Christina's World

美國MoMA 黃銅徽章Christina's World:,【MoMA|別針魏斯】新寫實主義藝術家安德魯・魏斯(AndrewWyeth)的名畫《克里斯蒂娜的世界》(Christina'sWorld), ...


